Capital Schemes
Kilkenny Water Supply Scheme
Consultants have been appointed. Contracts in place for exploratory well drilling and testing. Thirteen sites have been identified. Exploratory well drilling and testing has already commenced on some of these sites and all well drilling and testing should be completed by June 06. Preliminary Report due July/August 06.
Kilkenny City Water Supply
The City water supplies are operating well. Supply deficiencies are being managed satisfactorily, and water quality difficulties experienced in former years have been eliminated. The Supply will be upgraded within the current Water Services Investment Programme.
Ballyragget, Clogh/Castlecomer and Urlingford/Johsntown WSS Bundle
Consultants have been appointed to prepare a Preliminary Report.
Bennettsbridge Water Supply Scheme
Consultants have been appointed. Contracts in place for exploratory well drilling and testing which will be completed by June 06. Preliminary Report due in July/Aug 06.
Callan, Graignamanagh and Thomastown/Inistioge WSS Bundle
Interviews for appointment of Consulting Engineers to prepare a Preliminary Report will take place in February 2006.
Gowran/Goresbridge/Paulstown WSS
DOE are awaiting a report from Consultants on increased costs of the proposed scheme. This report will be ready for submission to the DOE by end of January 2006.
Mooncoin Water Supply Scheme
Advert for the engagement of a Consulting Engineer to prepare a Preliminary Report has been placed in the O.J.E.C. Expressions of interest due in February 2006, following which short-listing of candidates will take place.
Troyswood Water Supply Scheme
Our commitment to maintain the high standard of quality of drinking water produced at Troyswood Water Treatment Works and to improve the efficiency of the treatment system continues.
Water demand in the City continues to grow rapidly. Our Consulting Engineers are currently investigating the watermain network to determine what improvements and future extensions are necessary to meet this, as well as exploring possible new sources of supply. Their recommendations are expected later in the year.
Kilkenny Waste Water Treatment Plant
As a result of careful management, the Treatment Works is operating well, and the quality of treated wastewater being discharged to the River Nore is consistently satisfactory and within the required standards.
The plant is due to be upgraded under the current Water Services Investment Programme 2005 - 2007.
Freshford, Johnstown & Goresbridge Sewerage Scheme Bundle
Consultants have been appointed (subject to fee approval by the DEHLG) to prepare a Preliminary Report.
Kilmacow Sewerage Scheme
Contract documents are being prepared and the planning process including Part 8 for two pump stations is in process. The serving of wayleaves has also commenced. Following completion of this process, approval form the DOE will be required for contract document stage.
Kilkenny Sludge Management
It is proposed to provide a sludge treatment centre in Kilkenny under the Water Services Investment Programme.
Water Conservation Project
Council are awaiting approval from DEHLG to the appointment of Consulting Engineers. Interviews have been held and there is a recommendation with the DEHLG
Metering Project
The Government's Water Pricing Policy Framework requires the charging of non-domestic customers of water and wastewater services for the recovery of the full costs of providing such services to these customers. This is in line with National and EU policy on the application of the polluter pays principle.
Complete Information System
The National Water Study recommended that local authorities develop and maintain modern and up to date records of their water services systems using standard data collection methods. The development of a Complete Information System has been progressed on behalf of the Department by the Local Government Computer Services Board.
To date, Kilkenny County Council has completed approximately 70% of data collection throughout the County, related to water services. Data collection includes the creation of a comprehensive customer database for each individual area, including the type of service, name address, metered/un-metered, residential/non residential/domestic/agricultural etc. The Project should be completed by the end of 2006 as remaining services can be located without total caretaker involvement speeding up data collection in remaining areas, due to metering projects and water conservation projects being ongoing in remaining areas
Rural Water Programme
Kilkenny County Council is responsible for the administration of a number of grant and subsidy schemes which are aimed at resourcing the Group Water and Sewerage sector in addition to individual house owners who finance the supply of water from their own resources.
- There are 232 Group Schemes in the County-124 Groups served from a private source & 108 Groups connected to/or now part of a public supply
- Five Kilkenny group schemes - Ballycallan, Castleinch, Castlewarren, Clifden and Cuffesgrange were included in the South Leinster group of 39 schemes - treatment plants for which are being provided under a Design Build & Operate funding scheme. It is anticipated that construction work will commence on the DBO Bundle in March 2006. Advance works to the value of €40,245 were carried out in 2005 and will be completed in 2006.
- The Council approved the takeover of three schemes- Drakelands was completed , Kilbride & Ahenure Group Schemes will be completed in 2006.The sum of €237,660 was spent on takeovers in 2005.
- The sum of €284,000 was paid out in Improvement Grants to Group Schemes- Castlewarren, Coolagh/Caherleske, Ballymack, Newtown/Ovenstown, Kilree, Highrath, Johnswell, Killoshulan, Listerlin, Parks/Rathclevin, Maddoxtown and Windgap.
- The sum of €4063 was paid out in grants to Prologue, Callan, Group Sewage Scheme.
- Subsidies totalling €106,016 were paid to 37 Group Schemes in 2005.
- 70 approvals issued for grant applications for provision of wells to private houses and the sum of €99,368 was paid out in well grants.
- The sum of €844,000 was spent on the provision & improvement works to public water and sewage schemes under the small schemes programme. Works were carried out to 20 schemes in 2005.
- A Water Quality testing programme was undertaken for 26 schemes in 2005 and will be extended to 56 schemes in 2006.
Rural Water Monitoring Committee
The Committee consists of nine persons from the group scheme, rural and local authority sectors. The Committee meets every two months to advise on the development/implementation of the County Rural Water Strategic Plan, to oversee the operation of the local programme and to provide input to the National Monitoring Committee.
The current membership is:
Cllr Thomas Brennan | Kilkenny County Council |
Pat Treacy | Kilkenny Federation Group Water Schemes |
James Hennessy | ICMSA |
Sean Power | I.F.A. |
Cllr. Maurice Shortall | Kilkenny County Council |
Cllr. John Brennan | Kilkenny County Council |
Rural Water Liaison Officer plus one Engineer from Kilkenny County Council.
Assisted by a Representative of the National Federation Group Water Schemes.
Serviced Land Initiative
Ballyragget Waste Water Treatment Plant - Substantially complete. Mechanical and Electrical contractor to carry out some remaining works.
Mooncoin Waste Water Treatment Plant - Existing WWTP is being upgraded and due to be commissioned in March 2006.
Callan Waste Water Treatment Plant - This plant was commissioned in 2005.
Urlingford Waste Water Treatment Plant - This Scheme has been completed.